School Clubs

Starting this September, Premier Education has become our wrap around care provider. As well as providing breakfast (7:30am - 8:40am) and after school care (3:15pm - 6:00pm), they also offer a wide range of clubs including Forest School, a variety of sports and Expressive Arts.

St Michaels Clubs

Keep an eye on this page as clubs often change every half term!


Netball club (autumn term)

Mrs Taylor will be running Netball club again this year. The team had lots of fun last year playing against local schools in matches and there are more matches planned for this year too. 


Football Club

Mr Curtis is starting a school football team this year and an exciting league has been set up. This will be run once a week at lunchtimes for all children interested in Year 6 and matches will be on Monday nights.


Chess Club

Every Wednesday lunchtime, join KS2 children for a game of chess in the Rainbow Room.


Key Stage 1 Choir (2nd half Autumn term) 

Mrs Rixon is running choir this half term for any children who have an interest in singing this half term. This will be once a week at lunchtimes. See Mrs Rixon for more details.


Christmas Choir (2nd half Autumn term) 

Mrs Bone is running Xmas choir for KS2 children this half term. The children will be singing some traditional hymns and songs and learning some new material. We will be singing at the church, Parklife and visiting Jack Simpson Residential Care Home to perform to our local community.


Orchestra (Spring term)

In the summer term, Mrs Sowden runs the orchestra. You may have seen their performance last year, which was fantastic! If your child plays an instrument, they are welcome to join the fun!


Gardening Club

If your child is a keen gardener, they should join gardening club with Mrs Baker. Mrs Baker runs lunchtime sessions for KS2 pupils.  Last year, you may have seen the farmers' market at the pergola. This was all thanks to the hard work of our gardeners.


Lunchtime Club

This happens every day in the Practical Room. If children are struggling with the hustle and bustle of lunchtimes, they can come and join a member of staff to play games, draw or chat.