Teaching Our Children to be Leaders

edAt St. Michael’s, we are developing a programme of children as leaders. Throughout the school, there are opportunities for children to practise these skills.

School Council 

School council members are voted in, after explaining to the class why they would be a good councillor (linked to our British Values) by the class and attend meetings each week with SLT and the Headteacher. Last year, the children were asked to lead CLFs (Class Learning Forums) asking other children in the class to use our school values of ENRICH to help identify what that should look like within our school community. The children also  interviewed the headteacher and deputy headteacher candidates.

Here is an example of a speech written by a Year 6 pupil:

I promise to do my best to be a role model to many. I will help people, to let them know that they should help others. I will do my best in and out of our school. These promises shall be met because my passion for this school is immense. I believe in the pupils, parents and the teachers. I promise to give people hope, integrity and the nurture that everyone deserves.


House Captains 

At the start of Year 6, teachers, and members of the school’s SLT decide who should be the representatives of the school. We have four houses: yellow, blue, green and red. There are two house captains for each colour. These children lead tours around the school; assemblies in their house colours and are responsible for the collection and announcements of team points every two weeks.

Ethos Team 

The ethos team meet once every half term with Mrs Leach and some parents from our school community. Within these meetings, children are responsible for articulating and explaining to the parents their understanding of the school vision and how it is expressed in the day-to-day life of the school. The children make suggestions and put actions into place to further develop this. 

The Ethos Team also represent the school during Remembrance Day services at the cemetery.

Courageous Advocates

Global Views

The Global Views team meet with Mrs Bone to work on an aspect of their choice. This term, the team have decided to focus on racism. They have already made posters, which are displayed around the school andycreated an assembly on January 31st.

Community Links

Mrs Winslade is leading the Community Links group. She has met with Pegasus Court and the children visit once a half term. Last half term, they spoke to the residents about a special memory and took a photograph with them.

Global Links

Mrs Bone has met with Exeter Ethiopia Link to see if we can re-establish our link with Masara School. Before Covid, we wrote letters to the school and raised money for their school library. Due to turmoil in that part of the country, we have been unable to get post to them.

We have joined the British School Council and have twinned with Freehold School in Kenya. We are waiting for news. Watch this space!

Eco Team 

The Eco Team is led by Mrs Rixon and have worked with Devon Wildlife Trust in the past couple of years to improve our environment. They also take part in the ‘Great Big School Clean’ where they pledge to collect a certain amount of bags of rubbish. They involve their peers in this and share how recycling can help the planet. This year, the team have collected rubbish from within the school grounds and Heavitree Park.

Wildlife Champions

Our Wildlife Champions have been busy making bug hotels this term. They are currently creating an assembly about endangered animals and how we can help them. 

Wildlife champions

Peer Mediators 

Peer mediators in Year 6 are trained by Mrs Heagarty in the Autumn term. Within these sessions, children are taught how to resolve conflict between younger children and help them to make friends again. The children are encouraged to seek adult support if a situation arises which they can’t resolve.

Sports’ Leaders 

Mr Upston delivers training to the whole of Year 6 in September and then children are asked to sign up to work as sports’ leaders supporting Years 1,2,3 and 4 at lunchtimes playing games and demonstrating teamwork and cooperation.

Leading assemblies 

Each year group has the responsibility of creating and delivering an assembly for special occasions throughout the Year. For example, Year 6 led the Platinum Jubilee celebrations by learning a Lindyhop dance; finding out historical facts about the Queen and placing them on a timeline.