Enriching the Curriculum

In our experience at St Michael's, the benefits that outdoor learning experiences bring to your child’s unique learning journey make them an essential part of any all-round education.

1. They increase independence and confidence.

2. They take your child out of their comfort zone.

3. They contribute to a wider world perspective.

4. They are a great way to learn and remember information.

5. They teach new skills.

6. They make a classroom topic feel new and exciting.


Year 6 Residentials

Every year, our Year 6 pupils are invited to attend a residential. During this time, the children spend two nights away from home and spend time team building; solving problems; overcoming fears and developing new friendships. This is the perfect way to try new and exciting activities in a safe environment that they might not have the opportunity to try in their every day lives. 

December 2022/2023

Over the past two years, the children have visited Brixham's Grenville House. The aim of the residential experience is to provide the opportunity to develop life-skills, mutual respect, and promote teamwork. Rotas are set up by visiting group leaders to ensure that everybody contributes to the daily routine of cleaning, washing dishes, setting tables for meals, keeping dormitories tidy etc. Children develop basic skills such as timekeeping, making beds and being organised.

Even though it was cold outside, we were dressed for the elements and enjoyed orienteering on Berry Head; canoeing in the harbour with the seals; completing high ropes and climbing walls. 


Spring Term 2024

Year 3 visited Stover for fieldwork before Easter relating to their work on erosion.

Year 2 will be visiting the local community in Heavitree to complete fieldwork about the geography of where we live in the next couple of weeks.

Summer Term 2024

Year 5 visited Starcross and Exmouth to learn about the flood defence system. They travelled on the ferry to Exmouth adn completed fieldwork on the beach.

Reception class visited Heavitree Park and learnt about map work skills. They drew their own maps and followed these.



Autumn 2023

Year 5 visited the RAMM museum to learn more about the ancient Egyptians. They researched artefacts and were fascinated by the mummies and the sarcophagii.

Year 4 went to Escot to learn about life in Anglo-Saxon times. The children had a range of experiences including being put in the stocks!

Year 1 had some visitors in the autumn term telling them all about toys from the 1960s. They brought lots of toys in to look at and the children loved hearing about how they enjoyed playing with them.

Spring Term 2024

In the spring term, Year 5 have the renowned story teller, Clive Pig leading a Tudor storytelling workshop. 

Summer term 2024

Year 4 have been learning about the Normans and the importance of Castles at this time. They went to Totnes Castle in June to learn about Motte and Bailey castles.


In the spring term 2024, Year 4 had a Hindu visitor. She spoke to them about her beliefs and the children were encouraged to ask lots of questions.

In January 2024, Year 6 pupils visited Belmont Church for an interactive experience to find out more about Christianity.

In November 2023, our Reception classes visited Father Ben at the church. They had a sensory tour, and Father Ben pointed out the symbols in the church, including the cross. He also showed the children the font as they had been learning about christenings.

In June 2023, our year 5 children had the opportunity to visit Exeter mosque. They met the Imam, who talked to them about the mosque and how Muslims pray. He also played the call to prayer. This trip really inspired the children and gave them true insight into a different religion.


Summer Term 2024

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Dawlish Warren. They had opportunities to look at the habitat in a pond; look at the shells and their distribution on the beach; and discover more about the seaside environment.

In the summer term of Year 3, we visited Kents Cavern as part of our science topics learning about Rocks and Soils and Light and Shadows. Children explored a cave network that dates back thousands, if not millions, of years - at one point, the lights go out and we were all in pitch-black darkness! 

Wonderful formations of limestone stalactites, stalagmites and other interesting shapes were explained by the well-informed guide and for children it is often the highlight of their year.

Spring Term 2024

In May, Year 1 had a fantastic time at a Occombe Farm. They learnt about life on a working farm and got to meet some of the animals (guinea pigs, goats, geese and chickens) as well as watering the plants.

Autumn Term 2023

Year 6 learnt a great deal about extinct creatures and their fossils at Lyme Regis in September. They were able to explore exhibits from the museum and then accompany Chris, a fossil expert on a fossil-finding adventure! The vast majority of the children and adults came home having found one even though we'd been warned that it would be unlikely!

In October, Space Odyssey Planetarium came to school to help the Year 5 children learn more about space. The children loved learning within the dome and said the experience was really interesting.


STEM Workshops

Each year, parents and friends of the school who have a career which involves Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths, come in to deliver a presentation about their jobs in a way that's relevant to a current science unit being taught.

In January 2024, we welcomed a parent who works at the Met Office to talk to our Year 1 children and Year 4 children about different types of weather, including showing them images of the world's largest hail stone as well as explaining to them how meteorologists measure the weather. She even brought in a weather balloon!

Last term, our Year 3 children were visited by one of our parents, who is a  paediatrician doctor who talked to the children about bones and muscles.




Autumn Term 2023

Our year 6 classes were transported to Narnia in November. They visited a Narnia workshop and entered a magical world, where they had three different experiences. In each room, they had opportunities to think about how they were special and unique. C S Lewis himself introduced the occasion and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Year 4 classes were treated to a drama workshop held at Exeter School in December. The theme was around teamwork and the children worked with sixth form students playing drama games; creating still pictures and making a group piece.



Sports' Day returned this year, with years 4 -6 going to Exeter Arena. Year 10 pupils from St. Peter's High School led the activities which included:

1. long jump

2. sprint

3. javelin

4. shot put

5. relays

6. hurdles

The children had a superb morning and were given opportunities to run long distance races as well. 

Dance Breakfast and After School Club

This is our third year of dance showdowns at the Barnfield Theatre. The event is spectacular with opportunities to watch dances from other schools within our Trust. Premier Education also taught our Year 6 and Year 3 classes dances to perform as well. This year, the show was on 20th March.

Football Club

The Year 6 team are excited to be part of a school's league and play matches most weeks at local secondary schools.

Netball Club

Our netballers recently played in a tournament against Maynard School. The children played some fantastic games and showed superb team spirit. 



2024- Year 5 children were excited to watch St Luke's performance of 'Fiddler on the Roof' in March. They loved the singing and acting and said they couldn't wait till they were in Year 6 for their own production!

2023- Year 4 children loved watching the English Touring Opera in May. This year's opera was called 'The Wish Gatherer'. It was linked to the life cycle of plants and the children helped saved the day and the innocent bumblebee!

2022-Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed watching the English Touring Opera (ETO) perform their latest work, 'Paper and Tin', which reimagines the story of 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier' written by Hans Christian Anderson in May. The opera examined the PSHE topics of gender norms, stereotyping and relationships.


Performance Opportunities

Taiko Drumming (2024)

In the Spring term, the children across KS2 had the opportunities to learn the art of Japanese Taiko drumming. Performances will occur the week before Easter to other classes and parents/ friends of the school.

Choir Church

Choir church will be performed in their first service on 27th March. They also performed to the school at the Easter service.

St Michael's Choir

This year, the choir has performed a number of pieces at Heavitree Park. They sang a number of songs including some traditional carols and Xmas songs. They had a small group of Year 6 children singing in trios and quartets as well as another 60 children singing! The event was supported extremely well and a huge round of applause was given! The choir were also invited to perform at a local residential care home and they certainly enjoyed the experience of singing 'Jingle Bells' with their audience.

Instrumentalists' Concert

We were very excited to hold two evenings of instrumental playing in January. Every child, who has lessons with a peripatetic teacher in school, was asked if they would like to perform at our concert. 

School Nativities

Each year group in Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) and Foundation perform a Nativity to the school and to their parents. For many, this is their first experience of performing to large audiences and we aim to give them confidence and a passion for performing that will remain with them through primary and into secondary education.

Year 6 Productions

Every year, the children in Year 6 finish their time at primary school by creating a production for their parents and the other children in the school. This year, the children performed 'Shakespeare Rocks'; last year, 'The Jungle Book' and the year before, 'Sherlock and Cinders'.