Year Group Pages


Mrs Sowden (Monday - Thursday), Mrs Partridge ( Monday, Tuesday and Friday) Mrs Vile ( Wednesday- Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Stokes, Mrs Snow, Ms Smith

Welcome to the Reception page. Please refer to our Google Classroom page for weekly newsletters, information about upcoming factfinders and TLCs. 

Below, you'll find some information about our phonics programme, Little Wandle.

Programme-Overview-Reception and Year 1

Don't forget to watch Mrs Partridge's videos on Google Classroom too. 



06.11.23 home learning31.10.23-home learning

20.11.23- home learning

27.11.23-home learning

04.12.23-home learning

080124 home learning

140124 home learning

220124 home learning

2400129 Home learning

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240219 Home Learning

2400226 home learning

20240318 Home-Learning 

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240520 Home Learning

240604 Home Learning 

240610 Home Learning

240617 Home Learning

240624 Home Learning

240701 Home Learning 

240708 home learning

240715 Home learning


Mrs Horn, Ms Stockwell 

Teaching Assistants:

Ms Jewels, Miss Warren

Important dates and information for Year 1 children: 

  • 20th September- Factfinder One
  • West Town Farm educational visit (Summer term)

Please check your child's Google Classroom for additional dates of factfinders, invitations to collective worship, invitations to visit the classroom and TLCs.

We're very excited to be in the Year 1 team. Please refer to our Google Classroom pages for weekly newsletters and information. Please feel free to get in contact with us via the school email, if you would like to discuss any concerns or issues.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming fact finders and TLCs.

Important links for Year 1 pupils:

Maths games


Little Wandle Programme Overview-Reception and Year 1

Year One-FactFinder September 2023



6.9.23 Home Learning Letter

11.9.23 Home Learning Letter

25.9.23 Home Learning Letter9.10.23 Home Learning Letter

16.10.23 Home Learning Letter

31.10.23 Home Learning Letter

6.11.23 Home Learning Letter

13.11.23 Home Learning Letter

20.11.23 Home Learning Letter

22.01.24 Home-Learning letter

4.12.23 Home Learning Letter

04.01.24 Home Learning Letter

29.01.24 Home Learning Letter

19.02.2024 Home Learning Letter

26.02.2024 Home Learning Letter

040324 Home Learning 110324 Home learning

160424 Home Learning

22042024 Home Learning 

29042024 Home Learning

07052024 Home Learning

13052024 Home Learning

20052024 Home Learning 

04062024 Home Learning

17062024 Home Learning

24062024 Home Learning

01072024 Home Learning 


Mrs Rixon ( Monday- Thursday), Mrs Eatherington (Friday) Miss Short

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Bates, Mrs Chambers, Miss Murphy, Ms Dharmar


Important dates and information for Year 2 children: 

  • Dawlish Warren educational visit (Summer term)

Please check your child's Google Classroom for additional dates of fact finders, invitations to collective worship, invitations to visit the classroom and TLCs.

We're very excited to be in the Year 2 team. Please also refer to our Google Classroom pages for weekly newsletters and information. Feel free to get in contact with us via the school email, if you would like to discuss any concerns or issues.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming fact finders and TLCs.

Important links for Year 2 pupils:

SpellingframeMaths games

Spelling lists





Week 1 - home learning letter

Week 2 - home learning letter

Week 3 - home learning letter

Weeks 4/5 - home learning letter

Week 6 - home learning letter


week 4 Home Learning-2024-spring-1-250124

week 5 Home Learning 2024 spring 1

week 1 Home Learning 2024 spring 2

Week 2 Home Learning 2024 spring 2 010324Week 3 Home Learning 2024 spring 2 070324Week 4 Home Learning 2024 spring 2 140324

Week 5 Home Learning 2024 Spring 2 210324

Week 1 Home Learning 2024 Summer 1 180424

Week 2 Home Learning 2024 Summer 1 260424

Week 3 Home Learning 2024 Summer 1 

Week 4 Home Learning 2024 Summer 1

Week 5 Home Learning 2024 Summer 1

Week 6 Home Learning 2024 Summer 1

Week 1 Home Learning 2024 Summer 2

Week 2 Home Learning 2024 Summer 2

Week 3 Home Learning 2024 Summer 2 


Mr Hadden, Mrs Rowsell (Monday- Tuesday) Mrs Cragg (Wednesday- Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Ms Chambers, Mrs Lear, Mrs Mulcahy, Mrs Davis, Mrs Rounsefell


Important dates and information for Year 3 children: 

  • Autumn Term- Thursday mornings dance lessons with Premier Education, leading to a performance at Exeter Corn Exchange on 22nd November 2023
  • Swimming lessons at Exeter School (Summer Term)
  • Kent's Cavern educational visit (date tbc)


Please also check your child's Google Classroom for additional dates of fact finders, invitations to collective worship, invitations to visit the classroom and TLCs.

Welcome to Year 3.

We're very excited to be in the Year 3 team. Please also refer to our Google Classroom pages for weekly newsletters and information. Feel free to get in contact with us via the school email, if you would like to discuss any concerns or issues.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming fact finders and TLCs.

Important links for Year 3 pupils:

Year 3 and 4 spelling word listMaths games




Newsletter 20.10.23

Newsletter 10.11.23

Newsletter 17.11.23

Newsletter 24.11.23

Newsletter 1.12.23

Newsletter 08.12.23Newsletter 15.12.23Newsletter 12.01.2024Newsletter 19.01.2024Newsletter 26.01.2024Newsletter 02.02.2024Newsletter 09.02.2024Newsletter 23.02.2024Newsletter 01.03.2024Newsletter 08.03.2024Newsletter 15.03.2024Newsletter 22.03.2024

Newsletter 28.03.2024


Mr Latham, Miss Booth ( Tuesday- Friday) Mrs Connors ( Monday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Hocking, Mrs Jenner, Mrs Greenwood


Important dates and information for Year 4 children: 

  • Autumn term- Life in Anglo Saxon times at Escot
  • Swimming lessons at Exeter School (Spring Term)

Please check your child's Google Classroom for additional dates of fact finders, invitations to collective worship, invitations to visit the classroom and TLCs.

Welcome to Year 4.

We're very excited to be in the Year 4 team. Please also refer to our Google Classroom pages for weekly newsletters and information. Please feel free to get in contact with us via the school email, if you would like to discuss any concerns or issues.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming fact finders and TLCs.

Important links for Year 4 pupils:

Spelling words for Years 3 and 4Spellingframe

Maths games

Numbots (Teachers will tell your child if they need to use this app)

TTRockstars (TTRS)



15.09.23-Weekly Review

22.09.23-Weekly Review

29.09.23-Weekly Review06.10.23-Weekly Review13.10.23-Weekly Review20.10.23-Weekly Review

03.11.23-Weekly Review

10.11.23-Weekly Review

17.11.23 Weekly Review24.11.23 Weekly Review

01.12.23-Weekly Review

23.12.08-Weekly Review


Year 4 Home Learning 24.03.22.pdf

Year 4 Home Learning 24.04.19.pdf

Year 4 Home Learning 24.04.26

Year 4 Home Learning 03.05.24


Mrs Baker (Monday - Thursday), Mrs Rowsell (Friday), Mrs Winslade

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Rounsefell, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Davies


Important dates for Year 5 children: 

  • 20th September - Planetarium visit
  • Visiting Exeter RAMM ( November 2023)
  • Visiting St Peter's High School- annual musical - tbc
  • Visiting Exeter mosque- tbc
  • 17 June Trip to Exmouth
  • 21 June years 4 - 6 Sports Day at Arena Park

Please check your child's Google Classroom for additional dates of fact finders, invitations to collective worship, invitations to visit the classroom and TLCs.

Welcome to Year 5.

We're very excited to be in the Year 5 team. Please also refer to our Google Classroom pages for weekly newsletters and information. Please feel free to get in contact with us via the school email, if you would like to discuss any concerns or issues.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming fact finders and TLCs.

Important links for Year 5 pupils: words for Years 5 and 6




13th November Home Learning Letter

​04 December Home Learning Letter

050224 Home learning letter year 5

110324 Home learning letter190324 Home learning letter

25032024 Home learning letter

25042024 Home learning

02052024 Home Learning

17052024 Home Learning

23052024 Home Learning

07062024 Home Learning


Mrs Taylor, Mr Curtis

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Slack, Mr Neeld, Mr 'B'


Important dates for Year 6 children:

  • 4th October- Fossil hunting at Lyme Regis
  • 11th - 15th December- Residential to Grenville House in Brixham
  • 13th- 16th May - SATs week
  • July- Year 6 Production (dates to be announced)

Please also check your child's Google Classroom for additional dates of fact finders, invitations to collective worship, invitations to visit the classroom and TLCs.

Welcome to Year 6.

We're very excited to be in the Year 6 team. Please refer to our Google Classroom pages for weekly newsletters and information. Please feel free to get in contact with us via the school email, if you would like to discuss any concerns or issues.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming fact finders and TLCs.

Important links for Year 6 pupils:

Grenville House FactfinderSpellingframe

Spelling word lists for Years 5 and 6




Autumn Term 1 Week 1Autumn Term 1-Week 2

Autumn Term 1-Week 3Autumn Term 1-Week 4

Autumn Term 1-Week 5

Autumn-Term-1-week 6


Autumn Term 2 Week 1

Autumn Term 2 Week 2

Autumn Term 2 Week 3

Autumn Term 2 Week 4 

Autumn Term 2 Week 5

Spring Term 1 week 1Spring Term 1 week 2

Spring Term 1 week 3

Spring Term 1 week 5

Spring term 1 week 6Spring Term week 9

Spring Term week 10

Spring Term week 11

Summer Term week 1

Summer Term week 3

Summer Term week 4

Summer Term week 5

Summer Term week 6

Summer Term week 7

Summer Term week 9

Summer Term week 10

Summer Term week 11

Summer Term week 13